Monday, May 9, 2011

Fine Art

Just a few pieces I did for drawing class this last semester that I didn't think came out too bad.

This was more comical to me, but it was actually a good nose study. There's some friends and family noses as well as some notable celebrity noses (Michael Jackson, Jay-Z, Adrian Brody, etc..)

I just like how this one came out in the end.

The goal of this piece was to take and "old master" sketch (in this case, Leonardo's "Condottiere") and make an abstract collage. I sort of went outside those boundaries a little, because there is a theme to the piece- war. I didn't try to communicate any personal stance on war, whether I agree or don't agree with it or whatever. I just wanted to show the characteristics of war. What is war? How does it make people feel? There is no one-sided opinion, just the facts of war. War is messy, its violent, its dark, and sadly seems to be the only way that anyone can resolve an issue over the past 5000+ years. I used paper cutouts, acrylic, charcoal, coffee, pen, and a wood burner to create the final image.

Color pastels- I like how the colors came out for this one. Just so vibrant!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011 is live!!

My official website is now up!
just click here

I'll still be posting designs/blogs on here too, though, so check here and on my site to see what's new!

Monday, May 2, 2011


I love minimalism. I am craving the skills to create many minimalist pieces. Seriously, it takes some skill. Skill, wit, and an understanding of layout and placement. In my opinion its really easy to mess up a minimalist piece- its a double edged sword!
This is my first attempt, and I like how it came out. Its a little text-heavy because I'm making this for a "theater poster" assignment for my design class. but still, the idea communicates.