Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Best Advise Ever (so far)

I've been thinking lately about some of the best advise or phrases I've ever received or heard in my life. They may not sound so life changing at first, but if you really think about them and remember them as things come up in your life, they actually start to sound very spot-on. Some of these make me really wish that a lot of people would remember them too as situations come up it their lives*...
*Side note- one thing to know about me is that I consider myself to be an extremely logical person. Not trying to toot my own horn, but I feel like throughout my life I've had good reason to proclaim myself as such. The fastest, most condensed way is always the most logical way, in my opinion, and contrary to most of the world "following" your heart" is not the way I like to roll ha. I believe a lot of these pieces of advise to be pretty logical. Maybe they'll be a help to you, maybe not, but whatev...

1. Honesty is the best policy.
The classic cliche phrase, but so true. This rings particularly true when it comes to relationships...just sayin...

2. If everyone would be even a little less selfish, the whole world would be better off.
And it really would. I feel confident in saying that about 98% of the worlds problems come from the selfishness of every person. Sometimes everything just isn't about you. It pains me how tough it is for that fact to sink into some people's brains. And if you are rolling your eyes at this one, you are that person.

3. Cars are the worst investment you'll ever make.
Too freakin true. The things are a money pit, you never get back what you put into it. It sucks that we live in an age where most people need one. 

anyways thats it for now. I'll update this post when I can think of more. You got any good ones to share?

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